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Failte! Bienvenue! Wilkommen! Witamy!
As Principal of Ardscoil Rath Iomgháin I would like to warmly welcome you to our website. A lot of work goes into updating our website so I hope by accessing it you get a glimpse of how progressive we are as a school community.
Formally known as Rathangan Post Primary, our school educates 700 students and we have over 50 members of teaching staff. Our motto Achieve, Respect, Develop encapsulates the ideals of our school. Ardscoil Rath Iomghain is an inclusive learning community where our dedicated staff is committed to enabling all students reach their full potential and developing into mature and responsible citizens ready to take their place in society.
In addition to the academics we also have a vibrant and extensive extra-curricular programme which helps nurture the many talents of our students.
In the school we also run the Meitheal Programme. This is a youth leadership programme run by the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin. A group of ten sixth year students are trained to help the first years transition from primary to secondary school. They organise activities throughout the year that enable the first years to integrate into their new surroundings.
As a school we are also aware of the importance of the link between home and school and we encourage all parents/guardians to foster this link so that together we can help your son/daughter get the most from their educational experience in Ardscoil Rath Iomgháin.
I look forward to our continued partnership in the years ahead. You can always be assured of the willingness of both management and staff to discuss any problem which may arise throughout the year.
Mr. Paul Murphy
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